My Journey
Getting my hands dirty at an early age
With two parent both heavily involved in ceramics and a fully equipped studio in the backyard my entire life, one might think it would be an obvious choice for me to take advantage of this and get creating from an early age. Maybe it was me trying to find my own path and not follow their footsteps or because the studio was so accessible I took it for granted, but for whatever reason, I was not that interested. As you can see from the photo, this was somewhat true as I was given lessons on the wheel as a young child and have a handful of small bowls to show for it. For some reason during my teenage years and early 20’s the interest dropped off and I seldom ventured down into the studio to get my hands dirty. That was until about 2 years ago, when the whole family was up at my parents beautiful home in the Perth Hills for Christmas and we had a pinch pot challenge to pass the time between lunch and dessert. It was in that moment that a switch was flipped and something ignited inside me. From the moment I held the little ball of clay in my hands to the hour or so later when my little pinch pot was finished, I was locked in. From then on I have been trying to develop my skills and explore as many different techniques and forms as I can in the hope of one day being a full time ceramic artist.
The Pinch pot that started it all…